Saturday 12 February 2011

Countdown part 2 - Midges

The new vice is earning its keep. Having been inspired by several excellent reference sources and blogs on the art of tying small flies (to my mind that's anything size #18 or below) I took the plunge and bought a new vice which included a set of jaws for "sub 18 undertakings". The whole concept of going down a few sizes presented some challenges initially but I've got the hang of the basics and made the necessary adjustments, to the point where I feel I'm tying up some usable designs. The forthcoming season will be focused on learning how to fish them...I like a challenge!

In a previous post I said I'd have a go at some midge imitations as part of my preparartions for spring. I've kept to fairly simple designs as I get used to sparsley applying the requisite materials. The result has been a variety of straightforward midge larvae imitations in a variety of colours, all ready to be experimented with on the river.

Various Midge Larvae tied on #20 & #22 hooks

It's quite hard to imagine that a trout is (hopefully) going to be fooled by these tiny offerings as they skip past in a flash through the water. Just can't wait to give them a try when the opportunity arises!

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